Patrick Martin D.C.





208 Spruce Ave, Suite 302

Call or Text (208) 293-6604 to schedule

Treatments available Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 208 Spruce Ave, Suite 302. Saturdays by request. All visits include scanning the spine with several methods and also soft tissue release.

Dr. Pat is a cum laude graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. After an initial career in the Chicago futures trading pits, he was inspired to practice after chiropractic helped resolve his own health challenges. Dr. Pat has practiced in Chicago as well as Denver, Colorado.  He has a lifelong love for the Sun Valley area which began with family summer vacations and continued with his first job out of Colorado College. In addition to alternative healing, Dr. Pat enjoys hiking, yoga, rollerblading, and winter sports.

Chiropractic methods offered are based on a fusion of alternative instrument-assisted and energetic techniques. The common theme behind these methods is that they are all designed to ask the body questions about where it is holding stress.

Atlas Specific: A gentle re-alignment of the cervical spine by a tool designed for the atlas adjustment. A specific angle is calculated for each client and treatment is delivered by a light compression wave through a hand-held instrument.

Activator Methods: A series of arm, neck, and extremity movements and testing reveal specific areas that could benefit from care. The treatment is performed with either the Activator instrument (spring-loaded, low force tool) or the Arthrostim (tapping instrument designed to communicate with neural receptors and the brain).

Vibracussor: A tool designed for soft tissue release. Works by delivering waves of percussive impulses deep into the body's tissues to promote an increase in local circulation and lymphatic flow and decrease muscle spasm, tension and inflammation.

Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique: muscle testing is utilized to determine if there are stuck stressors interfering with spine health. Treatments consist of gently synchronizing pulses in your energy field.

Pricing: Initial visit $75 (45-60 minutes) Follow up sessions: $60 (20-30 minutes)